Monday, January 13, 2014

Left lane drivers

I'm going to pass along a bit of information that, sadly, seems to be shocking news to many: while driving, the left lane is intended for for people to use as a PASSING lane, not as a "safe lane" to drive in while doing 2 mph over the speed limit.

Coming home from Christmas break, one of the MANY drivers I drove up on was an older lady in the left lane, content to drive 72 in a 70 mph zone. I decided to sit behind her for 5 minutes, steadily waiting to see if she would ever take advantage of the numerous opportunities to move over into the appropriate lane for her speed . Not surprisingly, as far as I could tell, she never once even thought about this simple act and instead chose to glare over at me as I passed her on the RIGHT as if I was the one ruining her day. Now we all know what she is thinking, "Jackass, I'm doing the speed limit, so I deserve to be here just as much as anyone else..." Here's a shock Ma'am. No, you actually do not. In most states it is actually AGAINST the law to use the left lane as anything except what it is intended to be, a PASSING lane.

Remember that sign on the side of the road, the one that reads "Keep right EXCEPT to PASS"?  It is one of the only signs you will ever see on the LEFT side of the road. They didn't put it there on accident, yet it is a sign that so many choose to overlook. Why is that? Why do so many normally lawful people choose to ignore this law and willfully cause so much animosity just to drive in the left lane? Why is this law the one so many people choose to rebel against?

I have heard the argument that many of these drivers drive slowly in the left lane not because they want to slow others down, but because they are afraid of the "crazy drivers" out there and want to have an immediate "free lane to swerve into should something happen". Hmmm... Interesting. Two thoughts on that argument. 1) Have you ever stopped to think about why these "crazy drivers" are as they are? Ever contemplated that perhaps being stuck behind some selfish individual doing 1 mph over the speed limit in a lane they are lawfully not supposed to be in may just piss some people off? 2) As shocking as this may sound, they have a lane that does exactly that, its called the RIGHT lane. What, do you not drive there because you would have to shift left when someone merges from an on-ramp? Is that too stressful for you? What about all those people that have to shift RIGHT just to pass you? Why are you more important?

If you are afraid to drive in the lane you belong in, or you are hesitant to have to shift lanes time and time again, do us all a favor and look into mass transit as, truthfully, you should not be on the road driving a vehicle.

While everyone with a valid license has a right to drive, please stop letting your ego, sense of entitlement, fear or your laziness get in the way of other people's day. If you are in the left lane and you see people behind you, MOVE OVER. The left lane is not intended for just anyone, the left lane is intended for those who want to take a risk, who want to drive a little faster than the rest of us. If you are not one of those people, move over. The world is not about you.

If you are causing people problems by slowing them down, then alleviate the problem (you) by moving over. It is a very simple thing to do to, and a simple step that can actually make the world around you a better place.


Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more! Well said.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more! Well said.