Sunday, March 8, 2009

Life, through foggy eyes

The last two weeks have been a blur. Between my impending escape from a life of responsibility and a new found family that is 5 times larger and 20 times more communicative than my own, the weeks and certainly days have melded together. Simple things like recalling who any of my teams have played on a given weekend, much less the game results, escape me.

People always ask me if I feel overwhelmed by all of this and I always tell them no, that not much overwhelms me. I now wonder if this is true or if in truth it is that I do not know what overwhelmed feels like. Surely I have felt no crescendo of emotion, no waves of feeling washing over me pinching at my chest and threatening to stifle my breath but I wonder if this is because the feelings do not exist at breath taking levels or if it is that in my management of them they have become lost in the daily circus that feels like my life.

I suppose the word circus should give that one away but I truly wonder if I really am constantly repressing, feigning strength til a time that I can crawl into a corner and let my life wash over me, or if I am in possession of that level of strength. Does the fact that I cannot recall anything other than an emotional baseline equivalent to that of a good book mean that I am overloaded, or just steady yet forgetful?

I say that the main reason for the trip is to deal with my father's death, and while this is no lie, to this day when I return home I still expect him to walk through the door, I wonder if that is just the justification for the needed catharsis.

My existence, I feel, is one lived on a deep plane, one that many times I wished and prayed would level out, but one I cannot shake. I see things differently than most and, while the simplicity of the surface has its allure, I cannot shake the feeling that depth has purpose. And so as the lines of life have blurred, the travel itself has been made more clear. It is within the clarity of travel that I hope to find my own clarity of life.


Anonymous said...

Wow. This is a side of you I didn't imagine existing at all. I hope your travels help you find what you're looking for. I'll have to start keeping up with your blog =)

Anonymous said...

I am excited for you to go on this adventure. It seems to be well needed. I think it will definitely give you some clarity of your life. Seems like you have a lot going on in your life and on your mind, I think this trip will gve you time to reflect on life and help to give you some answers...
Hope all goes well and you find just what you ar sarching for.

Unknown said...

I now wonder if this is true or if in truth it is that I do not know what overwhelmed feels like.

I feel like this way too often. After reading your posts for the last 4 months I really wish we'd have gotten more time to chat in class. I wish you the best of luck on your journey, and eagerly anticipate the upcoming entries.

-Tom C.

AD said...

Ah, we all seem to hide sides of ourselves very well, I find you just have to dig deep. Thanks for the feedback, all, I do appreciate it. Tom, feel free to shoot off an e-mail if you ever want to chat, I will be around the computer most of the journey. As well, add as a follower, helps my ego. =-)

Unknown said...


What a thoughtful reflection on life. Truly, you hide this side of yourself too much. You'd never know that all this was stirring under the hood.

I know what you mean about living experiences through music. Without music, there is nothing. I hope that van of yours has a worthy sound system to go with it. Also be sure to take a decent camera with you. Your travels south will afford you landscape views you will want to capture.

Crater Lake is a wonderful place to visit, and as a soccer player, a place you may enjoy hiking/climbing around. Take advantage of one of Oregon's treasures as best you can.

There's tons more to say, but leave it to your voyage to do the work for you.

Good luck on your journey----
Evin R.